Quick check at your wardrobe and am very sure that each of you has an assortment of them: ruffle and kimono blouses, long satin and mini dresses and the list goes on. In short, we need variety of them for different occasions. The similar can be applied in our friendship; just as your fetish jeans aren’t perfect for every occasion; neither is every of our friend. It is very essential to have a colorful of them-from hooo haaaa hobby friends to someone that truly know you in and out.
As an adult with continuous changes in needs and interest, we do need a diversified friendship that can cover all dimensions throughout our life. I have been paying more attention to my friendship lately, why? Of course we do hit some bumpy roads along the way and that actually making us wiser .I hope! May be I am being unintentionally selfish or lacking of sensitivity or just being plain ignorant (*sigh*) My bad sometimes…but hey I do feel proud of myself for being able to admit my imperfections. Am trying and will keep on improving (to achieve some sublime of humanity eventually…. hahahhaa so cliché la oiii) Known them for a long time
My beloved powerpuff gurls..muah!
My beloved cousins cum bestest fren.Hope we can share and care a lil bit more in years to come
So here are my own classification of friends that complete my social wardrobe and I do appreciate them all in my very own ways..hahahahhah :p
The working buddies!
Since we spent most of our days in the office cari makan, so workship is so important. Imagine this: keje dah la boring gile and u can’t bitch about your bosses or the lady bitches in the office..(opps mind my language)…it will be a living hell man!!!
And not to be surprised that I do feel that a good ‘workship’ is one the strong reason that I survive my heinous job…….Thanks guys!
(Yg satu so metrosexual talking about fashion and diet, yg satu lagi sangat laid-back, ade pulak yang sangat kepochi, ooo satu lagi Mr. Casanova talking abour girls most of the time…heheheh but I do need all in moderation and I enjoy it much)
But just be on guard: Don’t get too comfortable and sharing too much of personal info, it might have some hostile effects in you work place. If it ever blossoms into truthful friendship, then you can let down your guard a lil bit darling!
The gossip seeker fren in the ofis aka mr.papparazi (jgn marah! u knw i appreciate all ur 'WISE' words :p)
The male fashionista???
The Friend Who knows you all!!
One word: priceless
U might have quarreled, argued and loathed each other sometimes but the beautiful thing is u manage to sleep on it and move on, strengthen the friendship even more over time. They keep your memories alive by sharing them. At certain circumstances, they even serve as sister stand-ins.
The Hobby Buddy
I summon this friend when i wanna go clubbing, catch a movie, jogging, coffee at starbucks, relaxing Sunday at BSC or may be for my new outdoor activities (I know I have been talking about it many times but none materialize so far: i.e. rock climbing, capoera, water rafting, macam macam la Reny :p) Jolly good time with them..horay!
My nononsense fren
The Straight-Talking Friend
You know when you're clear that you have done a stupid decision but just can't quite bite the bullet? I will talk to these friends. Love them for their honesty and straightforward ways; and for not sugarcoating the truths.
(Ouch! truths can be painful sometime but it does wake u up rite ?..)
Beware: I won’t talk to him/her if I am not ready for the hard-knocking in my heads! Hehehe…time and mood matter ok!
The Feel-Good Friend..Ooolaaalaa
My pom-pom girls!!! Hehheh they cheer me even without being all smiles and gila-gila!
My spirits are naturally lifted the moment they throw some slapstick jokes…or just those silly cute faces! It’s all about their positive and therapeutic aura.
Oh and they are not only there when I feel down, but are truly happy when good things happen too :)
In short, no matter which types of friends, they are all equally important.
They are a few that are actually fit into several types…THEM u MUST nourish most!!
With the ever-busy schedule and more commitments to come, we need to prioritize our friendship; put extra efforts and time to those friendships that are worth your life and not letting those ‘not-so-important’ friends siphoning too much time away. Fair enough as long as we treat all with respects!
So take your friend-inventory today and see what type of friend might be great to add, which friend you could see a bit less of, and who you're dying to catch up with right now. Don't let a busy schedule get in your way. In the end, it's friendship itself that lightens your load and brightens your day.
Saturday, February 24
Gold & Silver…Friends for life!!!
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Gurlfriend ! Did you just label me a male fashionista...a metrosexual ? Mmm betol la tu ... I think out of all people there , you know me better since we spend at least 40 hours working together. You are an awesome friend !
"...turn on the music, put on your dancing shoes, and start dancing..!
"Make the most of u good days, they don't come often”
And I believed this quote also suitable to describe frens.
Yup, due to our so called “busy” life with works, etc, we tend to forget one of the most important things! FRIENDSHIP. Life is incomplete without frens. Thank you for the reminder Kak Reny let’s value our fren, especially those that we consider as True Fren. Because they r Priceless!
...me, missing the old days...
uwahhhhh..u know wat amalina..me gonna miss u guys..seriusly a lot:)
dah start missing u guys pun :(
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