Sunday, June 15

Never good enough guide

I have this bad habit of doing things perfectly or just nothing at all..ZERO yelekkk pochi! A very good recurrence example would be if I miss one time prayer of the day, I tend to deliberately miss the rest of the prayer…I know I know that shouldn’t be the case and so so wrong..:( tapi tu la dia…

This excerpt from explains it quite well and accurate for my personal disease ;)

"Perfectionism may seem like a desirable trait, but to boost your health, aim for "just enough." "Trying to do everything right promotes an all-or-nothing attitude," says Martin Binks, PhD, a psychologist at the Duke Diet and Fitness Center in Durham, NC. So if you can't do something perfectly (i.e., work out an hour a day), you don't do anything at all (i.e., watch TV instead)"

So, I must start practicing a new and better mindset:

"Believe that every little bit counts. "It's small changes that are most effective," Binks says. So forget perfect!"


1 comment:

shoe-addict-mom said...

reny: do u happen to know how's ema doing..?