Thursday, June 5


A warmest congratulation to the newly engaged couple:
Parvin & Aziz Bakar

preety in pink


To be honest, i have always perceived him (A.B) as the serius person who can only talk about political & economy issues, introvert and shy. Never have i met him before, not even once.

The best part of the event: before proceeding, Aziz was given an old photo of the twins and to identify which is which....being a detailed person, he couldnt go wrong

My initial judgement was purely based on Parvin blog entries (especially the 'excel document story' on their wedding budgeting process...erghhh very detailed i must say)

During the engagement, I finally got to see him in person and to my surprise, he was actually very very friendly and hilarious :) Totally the extreme opposite of my judgement.

Good choice, what I see in him is just a reflection of you -smart, witty, modern and outspoken (ni pasti)

p/s: Lunch served was scrumptious. I had 2 rounds..hehehe


Nizam said...

Reny, bila lagi ?

Ms. Reny said...

Nizam: INSYALLAH tak lama lagi la tu...tunggguuuuu !

Aira Natchiar said...


Thanks for coming :) How come everybody moved with the notion that Aziz is serious and the exact opposite? :) Hahaha... I probably got my readers fooled....?

FYI he is the most outrageous tv addict (think Smallville and Futurama), cartoon addict (think Pedang Setiawan and Raja Rimba)and anything that is cartoon related... hahaha..

Anyways... all the best for your big day, tell me if you need anything ok...