Saturday, January 19

The New Saga

Even though I do not get involved directly in the development or the launch event for PROTON newbie, myself, as a Malaysian and Protonian feel so proud of PROTON.
And I think all of us should!

For everyone that has poured their heart and soul in the project, congratulation for the success! Double thumbs up to the event committee members for the auspicious launch; u guys (Corporate Com to be specific) did such a fabulous job for such a grand and perfect event! We are proud.. ..(even our international counterparts attending this event were all pleased with the well-organized function)

saga concept car


Anonymous said...

congratulation PROTON! Am proud too babe, eventho i never work for proton!


Ms. Reny said...

:) One thing for sure, the event was beautifully done. Montage was very good & touching. Wish I can upload the video here!

Ezan said...'re too kind!


-corp commer-

Ms. Reny said...

ezan: Me too kind?
Naahhh, only when the compliment is really necessary :)