Wednesday, December 19

Kucing & Tikus

When the cat (monster) is away, the mouse (hero) comes out to play.
Quoted from one of my colleague! But I beg to differ …Hero will never ever be afraid even when the cat or better say ‘singa betina’ is around kan?

Anyway, I am pretty sure many bosses are on year-end holiday now..So be it mouse or hero, enjoy the freedom when the bosses are not around..haha!!!! But of course, the end result or the dateline must still be adhered :p

p/s: Reply from another colleague, ‘But the mouse is sneaky, he can come out even when the monster is around’
You guys are just so brilliant and creative when it comes to all these kann..AYooYoo..:P
Selamat Hari Raya & Happy Holiday from me..


Anonymous said...

i totally agree with ur entry on this :) i've been shaking my legs since the 1st week - bosses are somewhere in South America!

Ms. Reny said...

serendipity: can u do me a favor me at ;) c ya!

Anonymous said...

sure.. no probs! btw, Salam Aidiladha.. Happy Holidays... and Happy Nu Year!

Shahrul Subki said...

Wassup, Selamat Hari Raya! - Shahrul ex cdc

Ms. Reny said...

Shahrulllll........lama tak dengar cite???!! me:)