Friday, December 14

Good Morning

It is very peculiar that I managed to wake up at 6:15am today without having the alarm clock to actually wake me up….feeling all fresh and bouncy!

For one simple reason: I don’t have to go to work today..hihi!
You see..people always say that if you are happy and motivated with what you do, then u wont force or drag your self to work every morning. Problem is- I do love my job but still am feeling this??? Lacking of self-disciplined is definitely one of the contributing factor.

How I wish I can work remotely from home or Starbucks or doing everything at my own choice and pace. I envy those who have the privilege to do that! erghhhhh

So, plan for today:
Revisit MNG at Midvalley
Be a chauffeur to my mother
Continue with my 2 books
Catch up with my little cousin at home
All in all, I love staying at home then work..hihi!

Gotcha...kacau-ing my cousin at home is what i like to do too..hihi


Anonymous said...

arghh!!kak nini..nape ltk pic 2?/
burok la..hahaha
hehe..kepenatan bt best menikmati suasana bali..haha xp

Ms. Reny said...

tak nampak muka jwa pun kan :P hehe
anyway gambar2 on saturday lunch cantik :p best!

Anonymous said...

yup2...n sume happy2 jer kan..hm2
n sporting2 giler..ahaha
anyway,,happy holiday!xp