Thursday, November 22

My friend got a friend got a date :)
I am so happy and thrilled at the same time
I am the cupid here and hoping every thing will fall in place like a fairy tale..
The very first time I met this guy,
hmmm not bad. Young and confident, well educated and immaculately dressed.

But since I already have that special someone, I was thinking of him and my girlfriend. Hmmmmm they can make such a good combo…So after weeks of ding-dong, they are finally set for a dinner date tomorrow night!

Weehoooo ~)

Update us both once your dinner is done ok :D


Anonymous said...

now my turn ms. Cupid..:P

Anonymous said...

I think i know who this 2 ppl are hehehe.

Good luck S, maybe we can go out on a double date hehehe.

Kacuks Mraz said...

we have ms cupid here

dear dear ms cupid,
pls find someone suitable for me. who can love me n take care of me till our life do us apart.

me :)

Ms. Reny said...

kacuks.l: Ms cupid shall charge you for the service :)

Anyway i am so happy that the date actuallu went so well. 2nd date is on the way, and more to come?! Am sure.