Friday, April 20


I am sleepy..i am stone..i am lazy and my brain is dysfunctional..the side effects of heavy lunch and tiramisu that making me lethargic now..the next logical thing to do now is taking a break and blogginng :)

LEO likes and dislikes…

Speculative ventures
Lavish Living (yes that’s y always pokai)
Pageantry and Socializing (yes that’s y cant say NO to nite-out especially)
Children (yes that’s y so many kids pictures here)
Drama (definitely a drama queen also..)

Doing things safely (yes in other words very degil)
Ordinary,Day to day living (yes in other words love challenge that eventually get so messed-up)
Small minded people (yes!)
Penny pinching (yes!)
Mean spiritedness (yes!)

On the dark side....
Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerant

drama queen n vain (SUMTIME only)


Azim said...
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Azim said...

I so agree with your dislikes but I guess your likes doesn't apply to me, a LEO heheh. Sometimes i do enjoy lavish living and i do like children (certain types of children, not the noisy annoying ones haha) but i AM NOT a drama queen! hehe

Ms. Reny said...

ur lavish living probly apply to ur xpensive sama je azim!! another typical LEO :) heheheh