Sunday, March 4

LAZY Notes!!

My weekend this week has been very quiet, nothing much to update, boring? No but serene I would say …hahahha

Just don’t feel like going out since I have been busy like a mad dog from Monday till Friday..was out almost everyday after work…isk isk..My body system is screaming for some rest actually but ONE thing that never rest – SHOPPING! Oh that reminded me of how we spend our lunch on last Friday.. sanggup all the way to Bangsar (from USJ) just to check out new shoes..hahhaha but its worth while coz we both went back with a big smiley in our face..( kan eliza??)

Anyway, said no to karoke on Saturday..but bet u guys had fun and sang like katak kan? Coz it was raining at my place u know…wonder whos voice yang macam katak????!!!! alaaaa i missed laundry on Friday..:( should have joined u guys!!!!

On another note, one my guyfren just came out with one goal : PorterryBarn FURNITURE? So that will be his new commitment to save (according to him la) hahhahah so hope I wont be hearing about your desire to buy new pair of jeans, shoes, briefcase……this week!! And hinting me to buy you PortettyBarn sofas for your birthday present???? U gotta be kidding dude!!!! I still owe few frens for their birthday presents, so I guess yours will be next year..hahhahahahahah!! Plus present should always be a surprise :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definately big grin at our face...but so sadddd, did'nt get the shoes i've wanted :(