Wednesday, February 28


Just feel like sharing my thought
meritocracy + actual results = EXCEL & SUCCESS

In short, we have to be very competitive in a good and healthy way. Only by doing so we will challenge our own self- to keep on improving and moving up the ladder. Only then we can utilize our full-most talents and realizing our potential!
The competition shall not be restrained in our own tiny world but in the extended outside environment (its not about being greedy or ungrateful of what we have but merely a way of achieving more meaningful life I suppose)
I think I am quite competitive my-self but the ‘too laid-back environment’ in the office makes me stuck and glued in my own comfort zone. Dangerous I know ;)
Am a bit frustrated at work today so that is why 2 of my entires revolve around the same topic but i know i will bounce back by tomorrow morning ;) else my blog gonna be yet another boring entries..

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