Run Lola Run..she’s back.....

Hide your self or shut your ears..Hahahah cause this wackiest lady is back and will make your day upside down. A chatter box with a special ability to produce the laughing gas to the air :P
if u dont believe me, look at this:

Not forgetting, she can be very violent also ok!! Bewaresee, i choked myself for her wackiest jokes!!
OMG…we had such a KEPOHHH mentioned by Michelle ‘can not tahan, too much of Steph and Reny’

cannot tahan huh Michellee?? too much of us..:P
p/s: To think of it, that Friday was an extremely entertaining whole day. From wackiest lunch to entertaining Indiana Jones later at night. Good. Hope tomorrow gonna be another FUN Friday
It's not "too much" of Steph and Reny... it's an "OVERDOSE" of Steph and Reny for the day - quote la betul2 hahaha!
sure tats such thing as 'overdose' wan or not?
mind u.. its stef-FUNY, not stef-WACKIE! LOL
anyways.. lunch was super fantastic w u guys ard!
luv u guys loads, tons, buckets full!
;) i survived lunch in one piece..hehe
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