I seriously doubt on how lazy am I now, and getting lazier by days. Such a serious bummer that just couldn’t get her lazy ass up anywhere. Oh god! Nothing seems to excite me as much now! *Yawn*
Shopping – the taught of packed malls make me tired
(But I still managed to shop pieces and pieces of blouses that are still unpack in the big paper bag ..HAHAH Zara’s sales especially is just too good to resist!)
Food – I don’t fancy them as much now
(The smell of certain food can make me puke..not cool!)
Blogging/FB/Online - The taught of switching on the lappie and logging in to few pages..arghhh too much hassle!
Traveling – the taught of airport transit and long waiting (Blearghh don’t think I can stand that for long. BUT I have another business trip to Damscus soon that I’m responsible to go. Erghhh I need to toughen up and stop being a manja Mummy by then!)
BUT, One thing that make me happy, the one and only thing is…..Taadaaaa
Lying and getting cozy on the bed while watching The Hills..HAHAHHA! Heaven :D
I am finishing the season 3 now and hope to move on to season 4 soon. Takling about hills, i have started to miss Adik already (& FIL jugak) :

p/s: Few occasions to update but am just plain lazy now. Anyway back to Hills , I kinda love Heidi (weird huh?) and Audrina, LC (too drama queen, I don’t like)