My bad for ignoring this blog…has been alomost a month since my last entry..!!
Married life indeed is a hectic and busy one, especially having a F.I.L that is always full of social events.....just the way I like it tho!
As commented by my close buddy, I now have a better and interesting activities to do that occupy most of my free time, minus rest and sleep..(oh and Gossip Girls and Lipstick Jungle too…finish all the latest episodes this week and both are getting better by episode...hehe)
Anyhow, Azim is out for go-karting now, so here i am..a quick drop at my long-abandoned blog :)
HMMMM....My retail activity on the other hand has never been slower by any bits, I must admit that the shopaholic syndrome in me must be quickly curbed…not that I splurge on designer or branded items but the addiction to it that worries me and Him..I know i must start saving more these days… *sigh* Talking about shopping, I have a very strong obsession on these few items lately!
1. Chunky Cocktail Rings
I have always been a die-hard fan of chunky accessories since in college. And now, the obsession is back. Couldn’t get enough oh those chunky cocktail rings especially flower-designed in all sort of colors, with peacock or pearl effect cocktail ring.. They just got the personality that can easily bring the ‘Diva’ in you…!! Tak kisah brand, murah or mahal as long as it looks HOT!! Just a temporary obsession anyway and the trend will surely come and go!
2. Batik schiffon baju kurungI know Raya is over but I am still in search of them..Looks like the trend is back and can be easily spotted in any boutique.
3. Box clutchOk this one, purely influenced by TV series. Been looking and surveying but nothing really catch my eyes yet…so will keep looking.
No matter how stressful my day can be, the very moment I step my foot in shopping mall, every negative feeling just fly away and disappear …

Tsk tsk tsk how wonderful life can be :) plus it is