Wednesday, May 28

This is not right...Almost 12 midnight and i am craving for

Las Carretas Goulash Soup (preferably Ampang outlet) & Clubbing (Luna Bar or Sky Bar in my head now)....Problem :(

Blame nik on the former and colleague for the later:P


Just received this update like 5 minutes ago, and am feeling the excitement on behalf of my few girl friends..I know u girls must be screaming by now..HAHAHA so go A.S.A.P..GO GO!

A lil bit too late

Its a wee bit too late for morning greeting but nevermind, sweet ilustration from a friend

Looking beyond the beauty

I had an interesting conversation yesterday and find it quite intriguing to elaborate. YES, I do love reading fashion, beauty, lifestyle and social magazines (I bet most girls are, yes?)

But hey, i don’t read these magazines to fantasize or dream myself to be part of the beauty socialite or Mak Datin one day. NO! But i wouldn’t deny that it would be really nice to be in their shoes either kan? Siapa tak nak haloooo but material wealth is always come secondary in my life.

Harper's Bazaar Latest Issue. One of my favourite!

My point is Beauty & Fashion magazines and socialite columns DO NOT consume me (unless 5% is considered much). What I like are those articles that feature high-flyer women being the mover and shaker of their industry. So I can pick up some good cues from the article, being an all rounder – beautiful and hot, good wife, good mother and good daughter at the same time. It is the juggling capabilities that amazed me. Even though such perfection is quite plastic some may say, but at least it’s a motivation to be a better woman, at least for me!

Some may also say beauty & fashion magazines make them feel ugly and inferior. Again, just take the positive side of it. Knowing and following the latest runway trend doesn’t mean u have to splurge on those high-end brands to look good like the A-listers. At least u keep your self abreast to the latest trend and do not look fugly and tooo outdated. At the end of day, look long and deep in the mirror; know what u want and what u need to have a fulfilling life, InsyaAllah we will not be strayed away.

Oh and to share a good note from my dad: ‘No matter how successful you are in the office, once you are home, your responsibility as a wife and daughter remain intact’ (He knows I can be quite bossy and pompous at times….:D )

Ada faham Mr.A? and yes i can be vain sometime


Monday, May 26

Get crazy, get wild and get silly in ‘What happens in Vegas’

Typical romantic comedy about finding true love by having a partner that brings the best in you and loving you for who you are!

Laugh your lung out and get entertained by the duo Joy McNally (Cameron Diaz) and Jack Fuller (Ashton)
…Oh and get drooled over HOT Asthon Kutcher, always see him as a silly jerk until I watched this movie! Tall and cute ...bole tahan ;)

Others so far:
Nania-Prince of Caspian: Hmm, not to my expectation!

Indiana Jones: Not interested. Heard the opening day was under performed in E! yesterday..

Speed Racer: Plan to watch it soon but my expectation on this shouldn’t be that high either..we’ll see

Superhero: Bodoh teramat and silly of us to watch it either!! DOINK but we managed to escape after 30mins of showing :p Phew

The colorful side of me !

If you are into astrology, you probably realize the association of LEO and the artistic/creative elements ( Besides the leadership strength of course *ahemmm*). Being a LEO myself, i have always disagree to this creative side of me. Let alone being good at it, I hate it so much (so I thought) You know how priorities and interest in life can always change over time, now at the brink of 20’s, only I realize my love towards arts is actually true! It comes to my realization how much I enjoy and appreciate all those artistic and creative works. Before, I used to love desk-work that involves lots of analysis and thinking, serius and rigid! As I always perceived it as intelligent and would wanted to pursue this path.

Now, it has changed. I am starting to imagine myself doing something different, something that is more flexible, that involve lots of hands-on, performance that can be measured directly, work that require lots of PR and creativity, fashion and entertainment line would be really perfect for me. I see myself now as more colorful, RED, GREEN and YELLOW perhaps, not as serious and lansi as it used to be (as claimed by few closed ones).

It is a wonderful feeling to realize that you have grown up and change to be a more colorful individual with bubbly personality! I can feel the transition that is going on in me, and I LOVE the feelings, it’s a good one :)

p/s: Clark Kent transformation into Superman..MUHAHAHAH

Keep it rollin'

With a girl friend getting engaged reaaaal soon, we do talk a lot about the preparation lately; and with mom constantly checking on ‘to-do-this’ and ‘that’, I am now feeling the heat..uwahhhhhhh yeap the heat of the BIG Day!!


I am delighted and praying for a smooth journey ahead for whoever they are planning to get married this year ;)


Friday, May 23


Woooo Its Friday again. This week has been super busy , hope u guys have a wonderful weekend


p/s: I have lots to update especially on makan makan :P hehehehe anak gajah is my middle name…so go figure! Cant wait to watch GG season finale tonight :P

Sunday, May 18

Time is privilege nowadays and therefore, the long break is used to the fullest for little Tisya. Time flies and she is reaching her peak, teramat la hyper! Her love for fashion is undeniable especially for handbags, shoes and belt. Tsk tsk tsk kids do lots of wonder, schweet and adorable at the same time.

At the bare age of 2, she picks her own tops and matching belt! Unfulfilled, she will scream and roll on the floor. Wooooooooooooooooo pening kepala!!! Last Sunday for instance, she went overly joy and went ballistic once we enter 9 west at Pavilion, must be the bright hues that energized her, *ahem* the auntie here also got overly excited ok..heheheh!

Next, we went to check out handbags and small tisya was so smart to grab one for her, carefully opened it and attentively checked each zip and compartment! Again, I was amazed by how a small kid can observe and learn so fast! What they do is obviously a reflection of her/his surrounding and role models :D Heheh

At one time, she used to call herself ‘Nini’ which is me at home by the way, only to find out that she has been observing my perpetual addiction to my lappie, being hooked to my laptop morning & night. So, when she finally got a kiddie musical laptop, she start calling her self NINI..muahhahahahhahahahahhahahah!!!!! and tried to sit just like me when using her laptop!!


p/s: I have the biggest soft spot for kids! Tak kisah la anak siapa :P

Saturday, May 17

You may just DIE please

Hold your breath ;P I am just referring to the most evil character of Georgina Sparks!

I have decided to stop watching GG to skip all the twisted drama only until Dan and Serana get back together. I am still pretty much hooked in fairy tale and thus loathe twisted and complicated plots!

Episode 17 recap: Busted! Serena and Dan reached a breaking point after much meddling from Georgina.

photos taken from fabsugar

p/s: but love her looks esp her cropped leather jacket and husky sexy voice! Other that that, you are the biggest BITCHHH

Friday, May 16


As the ardent food lover that has a perpetual sweettooth
This is what I call heavenlicious, a place for desserts:

cheescake cup with cookies base...woooooo hooo!!

Plus for someone that hate driving so much, the pick-up venue in Subang is just perfect!

Thursday, May 15

We couldn’t believe what we see
Our slim and sweet office mate did look obviously different in the last 1.5 months....yes u heard me right, this picture was taken not long ago, less than 2 months earlier!!!

* - *

14 kg in 1.5 months..shhhaaaaiiittttt its really working!!! Determination is the key, as she repeatedly stressing that! This lady is our huge confidence booster in loosing weight!

Toast to your success!

Will share Danielle's sucess story in my next entry..she is so delightful and excited in giving us tips :) Thanks dear!

Wednesday, May 14

Another good bye!

People come and go, be it in a friendship or organization; it is just another part and parcel of life that makes it more interesting and meaningful. Yesterday marked the last day of Osman R after > 10 years of serving the company. I wont be sad for your absence cause I know u have a better and brighter opportunity ahead of u…We are happy for your decision and hope our path will be crossed again:)

The shipping Master!

Best part of the farewell, makan la apa lagi :P

3 things that will always be fresh in my mind:
1. Arrogant and airhead chap! Hehehee waitttt..but once u know him, he’s cool!
2. Poyo-ness especially the bragging part of your branded shoes..Duhh!! But you are still fun..hehehhe
3. How u met your wife at the infamous Cutty Sark …sweet!

Tuesday, May 13

ITM to introduce blogging course… part of their new courses to educate students mainly on accuracy of contents, ethics in writing and the usage of proper English…. as broadcasted in FLY FM news headline today at 7:20am – It was still too early for my brain to work so it took me good 5 seconds to digest and react…

Personally I gotta admit ITM is really efficient in keeping abreast of the latest ‘blogging’ trend but on a second thought, all that can be achieved in a normal English writing course isn’t it UNLESS the ultimate objective is to produce a passive citizen with close minded mentality?

I don’t know about you but I just couldn’t agree to it. Common, it is just our own personal journal for goodness sake.

We are free to say WHATEVER we like, WHATEVER language we like, english rojak ke, apa ke suka hati la kan…WHATEVER design we want it to be??? It’s merely a personal ramblings from our sincere heart kan ?

*SIGH* I am confused

One time, we are encouraging development of creative and open mind among the younger generation and other time like this, we are straining and shutting door for their open minds. No wonder local graduates are more passive in sharing their thoughts….not their fault obviously; the local education system is…

Monday, May 12

Bijou Bazaar is back

To all that missed their first one, fret not, come and visit their second bazaar this month-end;
in your most colorful and vibrant outlook.
C u there ;)

Wednesday, May 7

She Is Back

Yes, Serena & Blair are Back in action!!!!!!
Bitchy moment babes!
Gossip Girl

Tuesday, May 6

* - *

2 things that interest me most at the moment:

1.Wacky duo Rudy and JJ on morning crew. I just couldn’t stop laughing and giggling to myself every morning listening to their silliest spontaneous jokes. It amazed me on how they can came up with all sort of hilarious jokes in such an early morning..My kepala beku lagi ok....

2. Online e-boutiques run by those young college students/local fashion enthusiast.
I am not talking so much on their items, but more on their creativity to make the web page so appealing and their effort in making side income for their living. Be it fashion as their interest or money as the main stimulus, either way their effort is definitely good. *Pumpkin* is one of them.

On a different note, i think i am so young and gila at heart . HA HA HA HA HA..well i always do . That explains my other half being younger :)

* WINK *

Monday, May 5

Sucker for Sales Promotion

If I could remember the date clearly, it was Friday 25 April. I was too eager to go home that I had all my stuffs packed and ready to pecut by 5:25pm. The moment it reached 5:30pm, I waited no more and rannnnnnnnnn towards my car. Simply because I didn’t want to miss the FJBenjamin Sales in Bangsar Village. Sepantas kilat kita sampai.

Looking at the banners from far made my heart pounded even faster..HA HA HA symptom of impulsive disorder was surfacing :P

So we got a nice car park, we walked out and I gotta to see one of the sales banner just in front of my eyes. To my despair, it stated ‘1-4 May 2008’. haaaaaaaaa??? Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what the hell, how could I be so silly ?!!@## geram betul la

So never mind, on the 2 May, again, i rushed from work to Bangsar Village just to ensure I have ample time to pick and select. Like previous years, their sales are always worthwhile except Celine that was not participating.

Being a sucker for big fat discount, the moment I saw 2 pairs for RM150, I waited no more..i squeezed and squeezed my self to make way to the very front row. HA HA HA HA HA.
Never been a big fan of Guess but for the Inexpensive price, design and comfort, y not kan?

As for La Senza, their price was further marked down this year…Gila murah macam beli kat Jusco...10 for RM45 :P

I didn’t manage to get other stuffs as the queue for fitting rooms was waaaaayyyyyyyy too long.
As suggested by few friends, I will try to post any sales notification in advance here! Will try k…tata!
p/s: Topshop warehouse sales is a must go as well. BUT i missed it :(

Saturday, May 3

Bijou Bazaar @ Jeumpa D'ramo

Managed to pop by at Bangsar for a short while on their last day of event. Gotta to run back in 1 hour time. So squeezing my time to the max. It was awesome not only for the vintage stuffs that they offered but it was the whole concept that make Bijao Baazar utterly cool and chick! Vintage lovers that visited the bazaar were all lively with bright vibrant colors and creativity in their fashion statement. The place was awesome too. 'SUPER COOL' is the best to describe

"Bijou Bazaar is a pop up weekend bazaar based in Klang Valley that houses a collection of independent retailers, designers and artists. It was built from the genuine love of finding new treasures and emerging talents, based on our belief in the power of leverage. We seek to take the frustration out of finding an affordable sales outlet and encourage the collaboration by members of the Bijou Bazaar community. The idea is to piggyback on each other’s strength, network and resources. All surpluses are socially re-invested." taken from Bijou Bizaar

both taken from Bijou Bizaar

What did i get for myself ? A loud pink waist- belt for only RM10! Ferragamo ballerinas in pink for only RM90..gila kan but unfortunately, the size is too big

taken frm Bijau Bazaar FB

Cant wait for the next one!

The day when we almost got a heart attack!

Visited nenek yesterday when Uncle Farouk reminded us on how ‘fantastic’ our recent Jakarta visit turned out to be….!

Uncle F: Heard u guys had such a ‘memorable’ visit huh? (Emphasizing on the ‘m’ word :P)
Us: hmmmphhh ummmphhh *smirk* and we burst out laughing, hell YES it was fun uncle, we replied nonchalantly.

Being the top 5 most populous city, of course all of us are aware of Jakarta ever congested traffic condition and notorious undisciplined behavior of the road drivers. Being trapped in hellish traffic jam is fine by me. We do experience it almost any other day in KL anyway, dont we? But imagine this stupiddddddd situation:

Due to heavy downpour outside, we were stuck for almost 2 hours in a dodgy shopping mall that only has invitation cards and printing shops as their major tenants. Damn, the mall is stinky and steamy hot and dusty and erghhhhh u name it, everything was so uncomfortable here. Nothing else can we do expect to wait. .. After hours of waiting and with the help our the shop owner, we finally managed to get a bluebird cab to send us back…Goodness we were so glad.

It was still drizzling and was already dark by then at roughly 6:30pm.
We were trying to close our eyes and take a short nap until the pak Driver finally said something to us:

‘Bagaimana ya pak untuk ke La Meridien’…Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck you gotta be kidding right? You’re the taxi driver not us, ask us ‘Jalan Bukit Bintang or Petaling Street’ that, we definitely can direct you.

Shitttt.shitttt and double shittt…what have we got ourselves into??? A Taxi from HELL in a hellish traffic condition….Such a great combo isn’t it?? Hell and hell, we were dead! Erghhhh he didn’t even know the basic 101 driving..Ya Ampun, right and left, left and right, he just couldn’t decide where to go!!! Our taxi got hit by a reckless motorcycle from behind and still, he acted so blur…Mengucap je la I dalam kereta kan….We had our friends in Jakarta to call and direct him via phone, not once guys but twice, still he was so distorted and indecisive of which way to go..

Azim: “Pak tahu ngak Jalan Sudirman? Hotel kami di baris itu aja ya”
To our surprise…dengan mata yang terbeliak
Pak driver “Ngak, ngak pak.. saya baru satu hari membawa taksi” Duhh your problem not mine!
OH MY GOD….if THE main and popular road in Jakarta he didn’t even know, forget about any other landmarks. Screw him man!! I was trying so damn hard to keep my calm and to raise my voice (Ibu- Azim’s mother was with me at the back maintain la kan :P)

After endless effort of getting direction (from people by the roadside, map and phone call)..WE..FINALLY reach our hotel, safely in one peace after 2.5 hours!!!! Oh, did I tell you that the actual distance from the mall to our hotel is less than 15km?!!!! and it took us 2.5 hours?? Dah bole sampai bandung ya pak!!!!!! HelloOOOOOooOO!!!

So there you go, all our dinner and clubbing plans were down the drain! We didn’t even manage to catch up with our friend there!!! We were too exhausted even to think of dinnerL

But wait, cerita menyedihkan tak habis disini…
(red fonts to represent our anger and frustrtion..)

On our second day, we woke up early, fresh and rejuvenated, eager to start our shopping spree!! Chris drove us to the city centre when we reached a roundabout and saw a flock of demonstrators marched through the street to mark the International Labour Day, demanding higher wages and opposing the so-called outsourcing practices in the country. Great, it looked like the witch spell still doesn’t go away, yet another disaster. What an experience!!!

I have never ever had myself trapped in such a chaotic and dangerous situation in my very own country. Our car was stuck right in the middle of the huge crowd, with riot police equipped with shields and sticks and backed by trucks with mounted water cannons!! Kalau ye pun nak mati darurat, I rela kalau kat Negara sendiri la kan!!

What an experience!! Good and bad, we were safely home. But yucks I am down with soar and itchy throat now :