Ne-yo Because Of u :)
Can’t stop listening to it..
Can’t stop singing to it..
I like it so so much…but let me tell u first that it got nothing to do with the lyrics but just the catchy melody ;) and its all because of u..lallalalal
Verse 1:]
Want to, but I can't help it
I love the way it feels,
It's got me stuck between my
fantasy and what is real
I need it when I want it, I want it
when I don't
Tell myself I'll stop everyday,
knowin' that I wont
[Bridge:] I got a problem and I don't know
what to do about it
Even if I did, I don't know if I walk
away of it, but I doubt it
I'm taken by the thought of it, and
I know that much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction, i'm so strung out on you
Babyboo, but I like it
[Chorus:] And it's all because of you [3X]
And it's all because...
Never givin' up,
She's the sweetest touch
[Verse 2:] Think of it every second
I thinkin of it but,
Only concern is the next time, I'm gonna get me some
Know I should stay away from, cuz she's no good for me
I tried and tried but my obsession wont let me leave
I got a problem and I don't know what to do about it
Even if I did, I don't know if I walk away of it, but I doubt it
I'm taken by the thought of it, and I know that much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction, i'm so strung out on you
Babyboo, but I like it
And it's all because of you [3X]
And it's all because...
Never givin' up,
She's the sweetest touch
Ain't no doubt, so strung out [2X]
Over you, over you, over you
Because of you,
And it's all because of you,
Never givin' up
She's the sweetest touch, she's the sweetest tooouch
Thursday, May 31
Because Of You
Sunday, May 27
A simple Birthday Bash!
No write-up just photos..;) My days are getting busier now ..Its not work this time tho :p
The group celebrating Lin’s Birthday at LaCaritas….
Monday, May 14
Monday is just another gloomy day with its usual share of blue-bitten realities !!
lIt’s sux and I HATE it…
cant wait for diner now.. At least that put me at ease !!
Sunday, May 13
I have few more minutes to laze around before start doing my work....
Been a good week but the coolest one (shall i say sad??) was chilling inside the car in front of a car workshop on Friday Nite ..hahhahaha how pathetic that can be??? But we did have fun tho…. people always say ‘ it’s not the place that decide the happiness but it is how you turn it to a fun and happy place to be in kan!! WATEVER!!!! :p
Oh I had done another big damage today at Bangsar Village..I went crazy on those latest accessories at Warehouse and Aldo Bangsar…sigh!
Stronger shall I need to stop the excessive shopping…hehhehehe!!! H.E.L.P!!
Living in a Meta Life..
Amongst others, online community space like Friendster, MySpace or YouTube is just so popular. Practically, almost all have an account registered or frequently visiting those virtual societies. In fact, we do talk about them almost every day in our life! Interesting::
Friendster/Myspace: Am the active user
Bebo: None
YouTube: Once in a while only!
What's it all about?
Friendster/Myspace: You can create your profile page featuring ur details, upload ur pictures and etc.
Bebo: More popular than MySpace in the UK. Favourite with the under 21s and Great source of music downloads
YouTube: Not really a social network space but more of a place to create an online life. Their video-sharing site apparently gets 100 million hits a day..WOWW!!
Who can you expect?
Friendster/Myspace: Anyone..hate strangers tho unless a decent intro of one's self. ..
Bebo: Underground musicians and teenagers who are addicted to blogs
YouTube: Wannabe film makers, bloggers and TV companies revealing their new trailers. Really a good site to channel your creative art-works.
Alter-ego potential?
Friendster/MySpace: Customize your page to ur heart’s desire with music, vain photos and fake friends ?? (hahahah)
Bebo: If u can play music, GOOD. If u cant, good too :)
YouTube: High-You may hide behind the fancy dress in your videos!
What’s ur ultimate goal?
Friendster/MySpace: To have the coolest ‘friends’?? (duhhh!)
Bebo: To change ur details from ‘Label: self-published’ to ‘Label: EMI’
YouTube: Being the featured video on YouTube mainpage. Next stop?? Hollywood maybe? Who knows kan!
Oh some might think frienster or myspace is just another lame way of staying connected with friends..I don’t think so. I gotta admit it is a good and the easiet way to stay connected as long as u dont abuse it...!
Even the world’s jet-set elites, tycoons and American socialites stay connected online via ‘’. Basically a private online community for the A-lists and the best thing is not even money can buy your access to this exclusive access. Shall deliberate on it more later in my next post.
Thursday, May 10
Hannah Tan Vs. Hannah Lo!
Because of the worthless conversation that we had over dinner on Hannah Tan Vs Hannah Lo, it then became worthwhile when I won a bet on the discussed topic….:) hehehehe. 2 bets in a row and I won it..yippieee!!! free facial? free manicure? asalkan free!!
hmmmmmm….next bet perhaps!! ;)
p/s: Busy week as usual BUTTTTTTT it’s FRIDAY tomorrow…. double happiness!!
Hannah Tan or Lo, doesn’t matter now coz I already won the bet and both are gorgeous anyway!
Tata :)
Saturday, May 5
A satisfying wrap-up for the week!!
On last Friday, my boss was complaining that his day was stagnant and me being an opportunist, I decided to utilize his free time to talk about my performance! You can call it greedy or whatever you like but I always wanted more (as in learning) and achieve a greater level of satisfaction each time. So I asked him on Friday how could I be a young PA to Idris Jala of MAS with 5-figures salary? It sounds demanding but at least I don’t expect people or my partner per say to provide me all the luxuries. It is a matter of self-achievements and satisfaction even though salary or monetary rewards is just another short-term satisfaction one can have!
p/s: ‘Mr. Angst’, I have to agree that the lifestyle that I have does compel me to seek for higher-pay job!
One thing about my boss, everyone in the office thinks he is the snobbish-arrogant male ever…hahhaha but if u know how to have a decent conversation with him, he will be more than delighted to entertain you. So this subject of mine really stimulate his mind really…..
He had a talk earlier with one the big boss on how they can develop me. He replied “Just throw her in a deep sea and let her survie..Either to sync or to sink!!” For him, only then I will utilize my full potential to make it happen. It is hard and stressful but yeah I guess he is right. Only when you have gone through the deepest shit and able to survive, you will proudly say that have done your best. All the depression instantly went away when he said I have done a great job so far and he is happy with it..Phewwww!! BUT but he also said I will need to me be more industrious – go getter and just strive to learn as much as I can here! Thanks bos!
Anyway my point to my boss is “You can have the BEST employees BUT the effort will just go down the drain if you don’t know how to retain them”!! no point hiring the best when u will loose them at the end. You are just incurring more cost in the hiring process and gain 0 at the end!
For me, the retention will work if:
1. I know exactly what is expected from me everyday at work! Else I will be like a lost zombie in a lost world and I will never reach the final-line!
2. I need a boss that manage to guide and coach me. Mr-nice and well-liked boss is just not enough!
3. I can freely speak my mind without being prejudiced.
4. I want my talents and skills to be tapped and utilized. In other words, they will value each of my self-worth!
5. I can see fairness and equitable treatments! (But of cause favoritism exist everywhere..its about how u balance you talents and maneuver your way in the political games as well)
6. I receive sufficient time, tools and training to perform my very best!
7. I get the opportunity to try new and different challenges constantly. Or I will feel stagnate and dying and eventually heading to the exit door!
8. I feel recognized by the top management. There are many good ones outside but their presence are left unknown..again u must be able to show your self and be visible. (Good personality or people skills really help)
9. I feel rewarded with good raises that are tied-up to my performance. (buta-buta dapat gaji besar also not satisfying kan ?!!)
Hmmm such a good and satisfying conversation for me. Oh he ended up the conversation with one last request ‘Can u find a cheap designer for my go-kart helmet’ haii apa la bos ni!! Thanks for all the info azim and I managed to get one cheap one from one of the Lim Kok Wing student! Hope the design is as good tho!
Wednesday, May 2
As good as it was..SPIDERMAN 3
Personally of cause I like the superhero acts in the movie, but other part that I like most is the friendship-value that they portray in the movie. The true friendship that was built among Peter Parker, Marry Jane and Harry Osborne. It reminded me that one should not sacrifice a friendship for another man/woman..(oppss dah lari topic spiderman3)…hahahha :).
Whatever it is, I definitely recommend all to watch it because it is so worth watching. For that, I don’t even mind watching it again, so whoever that gonna watch it, can count me in guys!
My favorite character ?

And also because he let go all the dark memories and decided to save his 2 bestest friends. That’s what a friend should do kan?
2. Sandman – I have to agree with Nik.
The part when Sandman was transforming from a human to a Sandman is amazing.
All in all, what I like and would remember most of this movie:
1. No matter how busy you are (even a superhero in this case), never ever neglect people that care for you. Appreciate and try making sometime for them before its too late. A simple gesture of appreciation is all it takes! Dont let the dark and vengeful personality to take contrtol and destroy the humble and compassionate you!!
p.s.: Nik..People do get disconnected sometime because we live in a different world of our own….:)
2. The value of friendship that one should hold ....