Belated Birthday wish to my one and only lil' niece :)
*muah baby*
1 year a' fast!
Wednesday, February 28
REMINDER:Dont shop when ur HUNGRY !
Picture this: U are just finishing workout in the gym, your stomach is grumbling and u enter a store to do your grocery shopping….this is likely what u will buy:
1. Icecream
2. Choclate yum yum & apparently dark choc might be good for your heart-health
3. Bluberry cheese cake
100. HAHHAHAHA and your bill will go up by 15 % than usual…..
So to my Mr. Beloved Friend, don’t go overly crazy when u do your grocery shopping simply becoz I get HUNGRY as well when u text me like that..hahhahahahhahahahhahaa! at the end we will grow fat together…ewwwwwwwwwww..NOOOO!!!
The funny thing is we can emailing each other talking about food.OMG..from breakfast to lunch, the best nasi beriani in town la, the best lamb shank la, kari la, ..on and on....PIGGY!!
In short, we have to be very competitive in a good and healthy way. Only by doing so we will challenge our own self- to keep on improving and moving up the ladder. Only then we can utilize our full-most talents and realizing our potential!
I am and in fact all us are extremely excited and energized for our project BBQ dinner that is scheduled on this Friday, 2nd March. We have everything in plan, BBQ with whole roasted lamb, funny presentation, door gifts, AND we are all ready to sing..yes babeees!! We..including my self the ‘SUARA KATAK” will be singing Ikhlas Tapi Jauh on that nite. We had our first practice few days back and we had FUN!!Cant imagine the excitement that we gonna have on the real nite :) A friend of mine once questioned why do we have to sing when we are supposed to be the guest of honored, the ones to be celebrated for our commitment and hard work?? Oh well, I guess we just love to entertain peoples and we actually voluntarily agreed to perform.. (We were kicked out right away before we can actually audition for any singing-IDOL show.. so that explain the eagerness) U guys rock la!!
All are just too excited that we come to work everyday with full efficiency and big smiley as our hard works will soon be celebrated and appreciated by the Management. Not until 10pm yesterday when I received a text message from my bos informing that the company has just announced a loss of XXXX M..and thus instructed me to call the dinner off!!
WTS..He must be kidding, hotel has been booked, menu has been selected and everything is set to go…YIKES! After much deliberation, our dinner is officially off.. sob sob!!!
It makes me wonder sometimes, most companies are too customer-centric that they forget the internal employees are their most valuable internal customers as well. Good quality employees are the priceless assets that can have and yet this area is always neglected.
If you were to read any articles on human performance in a workplace, there are lots of cases where companies lose millions in employee absenteeism, diminished productivity, employee turnover and direct medical, legal and insurance fees related to workplace stress. So please appreciate your employees and a psychologically-healthy workplace is so crucial!!
Hmmm but never mind, whining will get me no where.. So what the hell I am doing here still?????? Time to seriously think of my career progression. Crossing my fingers! If and only if better chances come along;) I’Allah!
Lets go OUT!!!
Came across KLUE website today and my favorite venue is rated as the most popular venue in KL & Klang Valley :)
2 MOST popular venues:
1. Laundry Bar
Ground Floor, The Curve, 6 Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya
There will be so much happening this month, check this out:

2. 7atenine
The Ascott Kuala Lumpur, 9 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
(So called the ‘rendezvous for KL chics”..Guys! wait no more..check it out whenever u have the time or whenever ur around KLCC but please make sure you are in your appropriate outfit-just incase you get lucky;)
Sunday, February 25
The night I am feeling younger and fatter :) !!
Younger? woooo!!
My Saturday nite was encircled with 5 adik-adik that were young, crazy, carefree and happening. My initial plan was to be a good girl, spending some quality time at my mom’s BUT those adik-adik keep pestering me to go to the CURVE…hmmm first it sounded interesting..then they mentioned about checking few pairs of new shoes..hmmm and that sounded even more alluring..u know it is a bit tough to say NO to shopping invitation. So I did finally say YES to them…sabar je kan!!!!**&&^^%%
(Stef is really good at reminding me to save more money thesedays..thanks sweetie and am still trying)
So we were walking, browsing and walking till we were right in front of Laundry (my all time favorite spot...horay horay!!!) and the interesting part, they were playing Casey - Me&U…isk isk isk that was my favourite song…So again, I was at the crossroad, contemplating to go in or not to go in. At the end, we walked straight and fortunately enough to find just a nice spot near the DJ. So makan dinner and we had a surprised b’day cake for Dude…hehehhe yes today is her 23th Birthday but she already had a pre-celebration yesterday. So tonight was kinda unintentional..Thanks to Ikin and Aza for their spontaneous plan and suprises..Good Job babes!
Oh and to dude: Happy Sweettttt 23th Birthday Dear!!!!!
Had dinner at 10pm and a chocolate cheese cake at 12pm ….whatever happen to my diet and true-fitness plan??? Its not working la….Heeellllpppppp! lucky thing I have just started to play badminton lately (belakang rumah
All in all, the night was a blast. We chatted, we giggled, we danced and we had a colorful nite !! Not forgetting to mention that Laundry is getting better now, I like it a lot
Music was fantastic, foods was scrumptious, ambience was comfy, crowds so-so la…One thing for sure, I will definitely come back to Laundry soon., next week maybe;)
Saturday, February 24
Gold & Silver…Friends for life!!!
Quick check at your wardrobe and am very sure that each of you has an assortment of them: ruffle and kimono blouses, long satin and mini dresses and the list goes on. In short, we need variety of them for different occasions. The similar can be applied in our friendship; just as your fetish jeans aren’t perfect for every occasion; neither is every of our friend. It is very essential to have a colorful of them-from hooo haaaa hobby friends to someone that truly know you in and out.
As an adult with continuous changes in needs and interest, we do need a diversified friendship that can cover all dimensions throughout our life. I have been paying more attention to my friendship lately, why? Of course we do hit some bumpy roads along the way and that actually making us wiser .I hope! May be I am being unintentionally selfish or lacking of sensitivity or just being plain ignorant (*sigh*) My bad sometimes…but hey I do feel proud of myself for being able to admit my imperfections. Am trying and will keep on improving (to achieve some sublime of humanity eventually…. hahahhaa so cliché la oiii) Known them for a long time
My beloved powerpuff gurls..muah!
My beloved cousins cum bestest fren.Hope we can share and care a lil bit more in years to come
So here are my own classification of friends that complete my social wardrobe and I do appreciate them all in my very own ways..hahahahhah :p
The working buddies!
Since we spent most of our days in the office cari makan, so workship is so important. Imagine this: keje dah la boring gile and u can’t bitch about your bosses or the lady bitches in the office..(opps mind my language)…it will be a living hell man!!!
And not to be surprised that I do feel that a good ‘workship’ is one the strong reason that I survive my heinous job…….Thanks guys!
(Yg satu so metrosexual talking about fashion and diet, yg satu lagi sangat laid-back, ade pulak yang sangat kepochi, ooo satu lagi Mr. Casanova talking abour girls most of the time…heheheh but I do need all in moderation and I enjoy it much)
But just be on guard: Don’t get too comfortable and sharing too much of personal info, it might have some hostile effects in you work place. If it ever blossoms into truthful friendship, then you can let down your guard a lil bit darling!
The gossip seeker fren in the ofis aka mr.papparazi (jgn marah! u knw i appreciate all ur 'WISE' words :p)
The male fashionista???
The Friend Who knows you all!!
One word: priceless
U might have quarreled, argued and loathed each other sometimes but the beautiful thing is u manage to sleep on it and move on, strengthen the friendship even more over time. They keep your memories alive by sharing them. At certain circumstances, they even serve as sister stand-ins.
The Hobby Buddy
I summon this friend when i wanna go clubbing, catch a movie, jogging, coffee at starbucks, relaxing Sunday at BSC or may be for my new outdoor activities (I know I have been talking about it many times but none materialize so far: i.e. rock climbing, capoera, water rafting, macam macam la Reny :p) Jolly good time with them..horay!
My nononsense fren
The Straight-Talking Friend
You know when you're clear that you have done a stupid decision but just can't quite bite the bullet? I will talk to these friends. Love them for their honesty and straightforward ways; and for not sugarcoating the truths.
(Ouch! truths can be painful sometime but it does wake u up rite ?..)
Beware: I won’t talk to him/her if I am not ready for the hard-knocking in my heads! Hehehe…time and mood matter ok!
The Feel-Good Friend..Ooolaaalaa
My pom-pom girls!!! Hehheh they cheer me even without being all smiles and gila-gila!
My spirits are naturally lifted the moment they throw some slapstick jokes…or just those silly cute faces! It’s all about their positive and therapeutic aura.
Oh and they are not only there when I feel down, but are truly happy when good things happen too :)
In short, no matter which types of friends, they are all equally important.
They are a few that are actually fit into several types…THEM u MUST nourish most!!
With the ever-busy schedule and more commitments to come, we need to prioritize our friendship; put extra efforts and time to those friendships that are worth your life and not letting those ‘not-so-important’ friends siphoning too much time away. Fair enough as long as we treat all with respects!
So take your friend-inventory today and see what type of friend might be great to add, which friend you could see a bit less of, and who you're dying to catch up with right now. Don't let a busy schedule get in your way. In the end, it's friendship itself that lightens your load and brightens your day.
Friday, February 23
My First Rambling
Okie..After few attempts and intentions of setting up this blog, I finally have one myself now…wooohooo! There have been many situations or interesting stories that I always wanted to share with, but to no avail.. tak jadi jadi jugak!
But I have been addicted to reading blog lately, my weekdays routine at home is almost mundane or is it pathetic?? hahha whatever :D switch on my lap top at around 10pm..reading, being plain kepochi(friendster la apa lagi) then reading few blog entries before calling my night off…Zzzzz
As for me, I read almost anything and everything…it is the content and substance that will keep me reading, topics can be varied as it is a reflection of one’s utmost and genuine feelings and emotions. It is really interesting and peculiar at the same time on how peoples can express thier thoughts :)
In short, writing in my opinion is…
……Way of expressing our thoughts
……Way of clarifying our rage and grudge
……Way of sharing your feelings
……Way of providing insights and reflection that help deepen our journey
and finally it is way of opening up door to a new understanding...;)
I know it sounds too cliche and boring but trust me I am not always like this, just one of those day ..FRIDAY to be specific…lol!
So to my cyber diary, u gonna be another channel of my rambling ..;)
P/s: I know some peoples in the office must be bored with my kekecohan and never-ending stories …heheheh but at least I do spice up the boring environment, init????!!!!!.